
I make things from time to time.

Hénon velocity

This is a Processing sketch that renders the Hénon Map, using the canonical parameter values a=1.4 and b=0.3. Instead of rendering points, it renders circles with the radius of the circle being proportional to the distance the point travelled from its previous position, and the colour depending on whether it travelled left or right.  »»

Happy Notices

As I lay on a rug in the shade of a tree, looking up at the clouds with my kids, I noticed I was happy, and made sure to think to myself “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is”. »»

Fractal trees

This is a simple demo of a “fractal plant” L-system (iterations 3-6) using Javascript and Canvas.  »»

Blueprints for regrettable city plans

After sitting through Jared Tarbell’s “Inspiration Session” at Geeky By Nature, I was inspired to go and download Processing and finally have a go at making something with it.  »»