an indecorous alphabet

W is for Whip

- Oh look! I never thought I'd see something like that.

- What?

- A Tiffany silver handled whip!

- Tiffany's evidently know their clientele. Can you imagine buying it though?

- Well, no. Be a hell of a gift, though.

Now available as an RSS feed.

A is for
   Angus Steak House

B is for
   Bed Bugs

C is for
   Coronation Chicken
   Creme Egg

D is for

E is for
   Exact change only

F is for
   Fat free

G is for

H is for
   Hula Hoops

I is for
   Invisible Brake Pedal

J is for
   Johnny English

K is for

L is for
   Light bulb

M is for

N is for
   Number 70

P is for

Q is for

R is for
   Remote control
   Ring tone
   Rocket motor

S is for
   Seatbelt sign
   Small dogs
   Spicy chicken pasta

T is for

U is for

V is for
   Vending machine

W is for

X is for

Y is for
   Yeah, baby